Fourteen years ago today,
My dreams came true for me.
I finally became for him...
The wife I longed to be.
When he said those words, "I do",
and looked into my eyes,
I knew his love was true...
We were mated, by a God so wise.
Our love had a strong foundation,
built on years we spent together.
Time shared and dreams we planned,
nothing else was any better!
We've worked hard to make a life,
Though the path was not easy and clear.
Things happened - disappointments-
but we always had family near.
We've found happiness in all our blessings
worked through our troubles too...
We've tried to make the best of things,
Even when that's been hard to do.
Our boys are our purpose for living,
All we do, has them at the heart.
That is truly the honest reason,
why we have never been apart.
While I go off to work each day,
to try and make our living...
My wonderful, dedicated partner,
Stays back and keeps on giving.
It's not easy what he does.
We appreciate him SO much.
His generous giving nature,
His sincere and loving touch.
Although I often tell him,
each and every day,
He feels true love is more,
than mere words can say.
Love is in the actions...
of those who care for you.
Words are easy to say...
but actions are harder to do!
That's why I so remember,
and know his love is real...
Because his words are heard,
but his actions---I can feel.
So in tribute to this special man,
and our 14 years as husband and wife,
I strive to show with my actions...
how much he means in my life.
He's taught me so much about loving,
and what it means to live for another.
He's the reason I do all I do...
So we can celebrate, being with each other.
Happy Anniversary my darling,
my BABE, my sweetie-pie...
May we have many more happy years together,
I'm so thankful that you're MY GUY!
14 verses...
for 14 years...
Now let's celebrate...
over COLD BEERS!!!

...............YOUR loving wife
HOT Erlene
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