God's Grace
The creating hand of God
placed gently on this earth,
a gift of life so special,
a life so full of worth.
A life that reaches others,
through teaching and through art,
to show us things we'll never see,
to carefully touch our heart.
Through her words of wisdom,
we grow to come alive.
Through her inspiration,
we made our dreams survive.
She shares with us her passions,
and taught us to believe,
that all of life is a blessing,
God's creations we must see.
She forecast our vocations.
She knew the paths we'd take.
And when the years met up with us,
those decisions - we did make.
Memories of her surround us,
inspire us to this day,
for she was more than our teacher...
she is God's greatest...GRACE.
This poem was written for and dedicated to ...
Grace Pope
by her former student...
Erlene Marie Balanchuk
(Grade 3 Class of 1972-1973)
This poem was presented to Grace Pope
as a 'thank you' for all she gave
to Erlene (and everyone),
in her life.
Grace Pope went to her 'heavenly home'
on December 21, 2002.
After 88 successful years
of living, sharing, and caring for so many...
she now looks down on all of us,
'gracing us eternally' with her love.