Webtv has come along,
soon it will be going strong.
A new advance in technology,
connecting the world to me.
Sitting in my livingroom,
INTERNET...away I zoom!
But my favorite thing of all...
the place where I have a ball...
is the chat room that we call...
Here, I've made a set of friends.
Here, the chatter never ends.
Laughter is a nightly quest.
Here, we've all been quite impressed!
Sure we talk of important things,
but often...whatever the moment brings.
Visitors enter from far and wide.
Some soon leave...some stay inside.
But careful what you chat about,
or else you can get BOOTED OUT!
My friends and I meet everyday,
to just check in...or stay and play.
We've become the "after - hours" group,
(some think us a comedy troupe!).
Chatting has now
become extended,
to sending emails
to those we've befriended.
We've stepped into a world
we'd never have known,
and now we can say
that we're never alone.
Web names are code names
that add to the fun.
Figure them out...
and I guess you have one(won)!
Information, a joke, a genie or two...
Webtv is GREAT...
'cause it brought this
to you!

I hope no one tries to sell this poem to Sony or Mitsubishi without my permission(ha-ha).