and the world famous
Royal Tyrrel Museum.
We begin with a warning...
As soon as you step inside the museum entrance, we begin our tour with an interactive greeting and tunnel-like display hallway.
As this display illustrates...
life has evolved...
and for some of us...
we can really find
family resemblances here...
LOL !!!
You will find many displays to view, in this museum. It will take more than one visit, if you wish to really grasp everything. A simple walkthrough, will take 2-3 hours.
Most all of the FOSSILS in the museum, were found directly in the area of this museum.
Archeological digs recover bone fossils,
a plaster cast is made,
and displays such as the one
in this photo...
come alive for visitors.
Simply walking around
the Drumheller area
you may find many fossils
on your own, in rocks etc.
you are asked not to remove these from their place, and if you find BIG fossils, you are asked to report these findings.
This is a photo of 'HORSE THIEF CANYON'.
This is where native horse thieves would hide their captures.
It is very steep and treacherous.
The rocks are as sharp as broken glass, and very slippery.
YOU may hike into the canyon...
but if you slip and fall...
make sure you have (medical) assistance nearby.
This is one of the world's smallest churches
(it's in the Guiness Book of Records).
It can seat about 8 people of average size.
This is a famous site
on the way to the Tyrrel Museum.
You may also see "JESUS"
around Drumheller,
perched high on the cliff
of the river bank.
JESUS is everywhere!
As the sign warns...
some sites around Drumheller
are restricted and dangerous.
For your and others' safety...
please obey all instructions.
Have you ever walked
across a suspension bridge?
...when it's windy,
and the bridge is swaying,
and some joker on the bridge
is jumping up and down,
and the person you are walking with
is afraid of heights,
and you can see through the bridge,
to the water below???...
Well I have!
(more than once too!)
Rules were meant to be broken right?
This view of the bridge
was taken from the restricted area.
(I didn't notice the sign until after
...that is why I took a picture
of the sign
...so I wouldn't forget
for next time!!!)
Here we are at the world famous...
Drumheller HooDoos.
(though I like those around Banff
much better)
Legend has it,
that native peoples respected
these special areas,
as being religious places
where powerful spirits
resided and protected them.
Unfortunately, due to weather erosion and many visitors walking/climbing/destroying them over time, these HooDoos are not as attractive as they once were.
A special trail has been built to allow you to get near to them
...but you are asked not to climb on them or destroy them further.
Drumheller is somewhat desert-like,
and gets VERY HOT
in the MAY to AUGUST period.
When it does rain
(or in the early morning),
the ground/rock becomes very slippery.
I know...
I took a group of students on a sunrise hike and I SLIPPED and fell on some CACTUS. I was wearing shorts at the time...
Let me just say...
I will always have a SORE SPOT
in my ****
for DRUMHELLER, Alberta !!!
for yourself !!!