On this page you will find...
- 10 Commandments...
of getting ahead in LIFE
- Gifts You Can Give Year Round
- A Beautiful Part of My Life
2. Smile at People.
It takes 72 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile. Your smile is one of your finest assets.
Use It!
3. Call People by Name.
The sweetest music to anyone's ears is the sound of his/her own name.
4. Be Friendly and Helpful.
If you want to have friends, *be* one.
5. Be Genuinely Interested in People.
If you try, you can like everybody, and everybody will like you.
6. Seek Out the Little People.
Do not limit yourself to a few friends when there so many likable people around you.
7. Be Generous with Praise, and cautious with criticism.
Who among us does not need the understanding and tolerance of all our friends.
8. Be Considerate of the Feelings of Others.
Usually there are three sides to a controversy - yours, the other person's, and the right one.
9. Be Alert to give Service.
What we do for others counts most in life.
10. Add to this a Good Sense of Humor...
A generous dose of patience,
a dash of humility,
and you will receive many-fold blessings.
the gift of ... CONCESSION
Humbly saying, at the just the right moment
"I'm sorry, you are right and I am wrong".
Putting yourself in the other's shoes and thus providing your genuine understanding of their situation.
the gift of ... GRATITUDE
Never forgetting to say "THANK YOU"
and never failing to mean it.
the gift of ... INSPIRATION
Plant seeds of courage and action
in another person's heart.
the gift of ... PERSONAL PRESENCE
In sickness, in trouble, or in great joy
there is nothing quite equal to
your personal expression of sympathy or congratulations.
the gift of ... PRAISE
Appropriate mention, right in front of other people, of superior qualities or of a job well done, by your peer/colleague/friend.
the gift of ... PRAYER
Remembering others in your private conversations with GOD, and placing their well-being before your own.
To a Friend of Mine Who is Extra Special to Me
I have always seen my life as a journey
on a road to tomorrow.
There have been hills and valleys
and turns here and there
that have filled my life
with all kinds of challenges and changes.
But I made it through those times,
because there were always special friends
I met along the way.
My special friends
are the ones who have walked beside me,
comforting my spirit
or holding my hand
when I needed it the most.
They were friends who loved my smiles
and were not afraid
of my tears.
They were true friends
who really cared about me.
Those friends are forever;
they are cherished and loved
more than they'll ever know.
You are one of My Special Friends,
and a Beautiful Part of My Life
(This was sent to my husband and I from our special friends...Ed and Libby.
"WE LOVE you too...YOU TWO!!!")