Upon the green hills of Ireland,
St. Patrick, he did roam,
teaching the good news of Jesus,
and how to enter God's home.

Sharing his love and wisdom,
with all, whom he did meet,
living his life close to nature,
green shamrocks at his feet.
He tried to bring hope to the weary,
bring meaning, to grief stricken days,
he reached out his hand and his heart,
helped others, in so many ways

So St. Patrick, we do remember...
all, that you tried to do,
and now on this day,
we bring wishes to say...
"May GOD always be WITH YOU"
The greatest treasure on earth,
cannot be bought or sold,
It's the love found in true friendship
whose value is greater than GOLD

Historical Information About...
Saint Patrick
On March 17, everybody, regardless of national origin, can be a little Irish.