'Reach for the stars...
See us shine'
...the end of an era,
moments captured in time.
We came together,
bonded as one,
a family of friends,
through sadness and fun.
Building and growing,
sharing our dreams,
learning together,
alone and in teams.
But now it is time,
to go on our own way,
some of us leave,
while others will stay.
To new hopes and new paths,
new goals to achieve,
with prayers and best wishes,
from those who you leave.
Know that your work here,
will not be forgotten,
all that you've done,
and lives touched so often.
Your place in our hearts,
will forever be true,
our gratitude eternal,
with memories of you.
Take with you the knowledge,
that your life spent here,
was a gift from the Creator,
wrapped with friendships, so dear.
No matter where you go,
in the future days ahead,
Remember BCR...
and the open doors to which it lead.
God bless you always...
Erlene M. Monteith (05/20/2001)
This poem is written
by and dedicated to, Mr. Paonessa and those members of the Ben Calf Robe School Family that will not be returning in the Fall, for the 2001-2002 school term.
May those who remain, find inspiration in these words as well, and continue to strive to 'reach for those stars...and see them shine'!