Bells Continuously Ringing
~~~ * ~~~
It is said
that when bells ring...
someone on earth
has done a good thing.
A special deed...
or kindness shared...
a selfless act...
from someone who cared.
A moment when goodness
of heart, or of mind
won out in an action
that was truly kind.
It doesn't happen
as much as it should...
but when it does,
it feels so good!
We see that the Holy Spirit...
is alive and strong,
in the actions of others
who chose right over wrong.
We know that GOD
is close at hand...
spreading HIS love
across our land
So when we hear
a bell ring out...
stop and remember
that ANGELS are about!
For when a bell rings...
on the earth anywhere...
an angel's wings...
are earned 'up there'!
We share in the joy
that the angel must feel...
to finally know,
their wings are REAL!
So when a child...
does a good thing...
pick up a bell...
Teach a child...
that 'good deeds' are fun...
(the job of... 'earning angel wings'...
is a special one!)
This poem is dedicated to...
the staff and 3M students of ...
the Ben Calf Robe School Family...
as a Christmas Gift for 2002